Sketch Premise Generator and Other Writing Tools

This is Estevan Galvez's extremely basic GitHub site.
Here you can find some simple web applets I've made.

My Sketch Premise Generator is available here. It generates silly ideas.
A more accurate name would be "Premise Generator" since you can use it for pretty much anything, but I don't feel like changing the name so long after the original release.

Here's a simpler word-pairing / word-grouping applet called Word Group Generator.
Good for coming up with band names, weird new things, and inventions.

Here's a Story Generator based on Sketch Premise Generator.
It generates story prompts in a brief "base world -> inciting incident" format.
It's not as refined as the above two applets but its generation power is good.

Here's an experimental Hybrid Story Generator, taking starts from Story Generator and conflicts from Sketch Premise Generator (the best of both worlds maybe?).

Other variants which are literally just "reskins" of Sketch Premise Generator and Story Generator:

Conflict Generator (Sketch Premise Generator re-contextualized)

Inciting Incident Generator (part of Story Generator isolated)

Inciting Incident Generator 2 (Sketch Premise Generator re-contextualized, again)

Concept Generator (Sketch Premise Generator without the sketch comedy association)

LEGAL NOTICE: I hereby release the rights of all premises, concepts, word groups, ideas, etc. generated with these tools to you, the end user.
Otherwise they'd be super pointless. Just thought I'd write this since adding unnecessary text to this page is really easy.

By Estevan Galvez, 2019-2020.